DeGrazia Gallery, Studio and Grounds (3/30/2021)
Trip Cost $7
The Camera Club invites 12 members to tour the National Historic District of DeGrazia Gallery Studio and grounds, 6300 N. Swan Road. Afterwards the participants will enjoy lunch at Restaurant Trattoria Pina, 5541 N. Swan Road, returning to Green Valley approximately 3:00.
No car pooling will be provided but directions will be available. The group will meet at 9:00 in the upper parking lot of Santa Rita Recreation Center and will leave promptly at 9:15.Masks are required by all participants and social distancing will be expected.
Because the Camera Club is still not officially open, GVR is requiring that every person participating in club's field trips must sign a waiver absolving GVR of any liability. Please bring your signed waiver with you when we gather for the trip. GVR is requiring that we provide them with the signed waivers as well as a list of field trip attendees.
Waiver for Club Excursions 01052021.pdf
The DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum, Gift Shop and grounds constitute a 10-acre National Historic District designed and built by acclaimed Arizona artist Ettoe “Ted” DeGrazia. Born of Italian immigrant parents in Territorial Arizona, Degrazia spent early years in Italy and later Arizona where his life experiences brought about his lifelong appreciation of native cultures of the Sonoran Desert.
Beloved by Arizona residents and visitors, Ted DeGrazia’s Historic District has been a welcomed haven for native people from the early 1950’s when DeGrazia bought this property and developed the site into the beautiful grounds, studio, and gallery. The Mission in the Sun which has recently been restored holds interior murals by DeGrazia and remains open at all times. In the Gift Shop, a short documentary introduces guests to the Studio and grounds. Six permanent collections trace historical events and the native cultures of the Southwest while rotating exhibits include displays, such as the Stations of the Cross. Stations of the Cross is currently on display. A Gift Shop offers a wide selection of reproductions and gifts.
At 12:30, following several hours for exploration and photography on the grounds, the group will travel to the nearby Restaurant Tratorria Pina, 5541 N. Swan Road, for lunch. Outdoor patio seating is available. Those enjoying lunch will be expected to order individually from the menu. At this time, there are no specials offered for a group. Following lunch, the group will return to Green Valley.
Meet at the Camera Club at 9:00 AM for departure at 9:15 AM.
Contact the Jane Forster at 303-881-3933 or with any questions.
Last date to cancel for a refund is March 23.
If you need to cancel please contact the Field Trip Facilitator at We may have people on the wait list to take your place.
All participants need to be responsible for an assessment of their mobility and health issues relating to field trips. Some trips may not be appropriate, but you must make that determination. However, the trip leader may deny participation in a specific field trip to anyone deemed not suitably prepared or able to walk with the group.
The club strives to provide several field trips specifically designed for members with physical limitations.
In order to participate in this event, you must be a member of the GVR Camera Club and GVR.